星期五, 3月 30, 2007

Google AdSense 收益對帳單

Google AdSense 收益對帳單

Adsense Payment Checksheet
不知道是Simon以前沒有注意到還是這個收益對帳單(statement of earnings)是最近才在AdSense後台中加上的,我們在AdSense後台的付款記錄中點選付款詳細資料的報表中可以看到 付款類型、帳戶暱稱…等等付款的詳細資料,在最後一行有一個”收益對帳單“,點選進入就可以看到該次收益的對帳單。

但從AdSense 支援中心查詢到關於statement of earnings的說明,確是說現在還沒有提供收益對帳單或類似的文件給網站發佈者。

Do you provide an invoice or statement of earnings?

At this time, we aren’t able to issue any statements of earnings, invoices or similar documents for our publishers. We suggest that you copy your entire check before depositing it or make photocopies of your bank account statements for your records. Additionally, you can find detailed earnings information in your AdSense account on the Advanced Reports and Payment History pages, which you might be able to use.

至於這個對帳單除了可以詳細看到支付的資料外,還可以拿來做什麼用呢? Simon完全不瞭解。如果有知道這個對帳單用途的網友麻煩跟大家分享一下~


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