星期五, 9月 28, 2007

Are you ready to visit Spain

The capital of Spain is Madrid. Madrid is one of the world's most important destinations for trade fairs, conventions and international events. In Madrid, you can enjoy this old city's art, history, culture and nightlife. Find Hotels in Madrid before you go.

Another must visited city in Spain is Barcelona. Barcelona has a long history, when you visit there I think you will be impressive by its cultural heritage. Again, before you go check Hotels in Barcelona .

Do you know how to speak Spanish? I don't but here is one phrase might be very useful "Hoteles en Barcelona ". It means hotels in Barcelona.

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

John Chow 周嘉良寫Blog月賺56萬($1萬7美元)

你認識John Chow周嘉良嗎?
你以閱讀一下這一篇文章:John Chow 周嘉良寫Blog月賺56萬($1萬7美元)

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

星期四, 9月 27, 2007

Bonjour France

Bonjour Mes Amies!
Oh yes, that's French. Have you ever been to France?

When talking about France, the first city popping up from your head probably is Paris. There are lots events and activities you can enjoy in Paris. For example, "BOBIN'O, the new Star of the Parisian Nights", "Wine & Gastronomy Stays", "Cookery Classes", and much more. If you want to visit Paris, don't forget to search for Hotels in Paris before you go.

Cheaperthanhotels and Hotelsenfrancais offer accommodation which is often less than direct prices. You can find some great and affordable Paris Hotels on their site.

If you wonder how to say "Paris Hotels" in French, I can tell you that won't very different from English. In French, you can say " Hôtels en Paris" which means hotels in Paris.

Bon voyage!

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

請Goolge AdSense前要注意的8件事

Simon已經在如何申請Goolge AdSense一文中跟大家介紹簡單介紹和提示一點如何填寫申請表如英譯的相關資訊。AdSense官方英文部落格也發表了一篇Before you apply to AdSense告訴所有有興趣加入AdSense網路賺錢的網友該注意的事項。

以下是Simon看完官方說明後整理出來的申請Goolge AdSense前要注意的8件事

  1. 網站

  2. 正確的收款人姓名

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  6. 原創的內容Unique content

  7. 支援的語言

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詳細的內容請到AdWitness廣告目擊者網賺部落格閱讀申請Goolge AdSense前要注意的8件事一文。

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

Get Advice from real traveler

Do you like travel around the world? Do you like to share your travel experiences to others? Do you need a trip planner to give you some trip advice?

If your answer is YES, RealTravel.com is the website for you. You can find some useful travel information such as the culture, the place to visit, how to avoid problems, suggestion for itineraries, things to do and more. The best thing is all the information and suggestions are given by real travelers not some companies who try to convince or sell you something. You really are helpful trip planner for travelers.

If you like sharing your travel experience, RealTravel.com is great place for you too. You can share detailed advice and experiences on places around the world. That's a great online community where you can connect to other passionate travelers.

RealTravel.com is voted one of "twelve essential travel sites" by Forbesand "Best of Web for Trip Planning" by BusinessWeek. If you need a trip planner, you cannot miss RealTravel.com
作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

星期二, 9月 25, 2007

申請使用 Google 品牌特徵被拒絕

你的網域使用了Google 品牌特徵嗎? 如果是而且你靠Google AdSense賺錢那你要小心該網域不能顯示Google 廣告!

如果你是本站的忠實讀者或者是不小心看到Adsense繁體中文觀測站之死!?一 文,應該道本站因為違反Google 品牌特徵所以這個網域(domain)不能顯示Goolge廣告。當然沒有了Google AdSense這個廣告收益來源當然會是本站的一大打擊,Simon也不放棄任何可以讓這個網域放Google廣告的申訴機會,雖然能成功申訴的機會可以 說是零,但總是要試過才知道,就像許多的網路賺錢方式一樣,你自已不試永遠都是看別人在說、看別人在賺。

到這裡看文章全文-申請使用 Google 品牌特徵被拒絕

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

網賺部落格串聯送iPod Shuffle

專門提供網路賺錢資訊的Simon除了原本的Adsense繁體中文觀測站外現在又新開了一個AdWitness廣告目擊者網賺部落格,這個新的網賺部落格提供各式格樣網賺資訊和部落格經營、行銷資訊。更好康的是Simon將會有一連串的部落格活動,總獎金價值近$1,000美元(3萬元新台幣),現在串聯送iPod Shuffle算是第一波活動。本次活動將在2007年10月23日結止,只要你有部落格且完成指定的串連你就有機會獲得一台iPod Shuffle,現在就去看如何參加這次的串聯送iPod Shuffle吧!

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

Play Computer games on phelios.com

phelios.com is a place you can find many PC gamesa ,tycoon games and mac games. They not only offer free version game for download but also sell full version game at lowest price. All the games are independent developed and sell directly to you without the costs of a middleman and distribution fees. Check out their mac games section, you will find some interesting games for your to spend your free time .

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

星期五, 9月 21, 2007

現在申請加入AuctionAds 就送$25美元

AuctionAds這個最近才被Text Link Ads收購的eBay affiliate網站,最近開始擴大招募會員,現在只要是新加入AuctionAds的會員都可以直接在帳號中獲得25美元。如果你之前已經註冊成為AuctionAds會員只要還沒有任何收益你也會在帳號中獲得25美元的獎勵。

更詳細的說明在這裡-現在申請加入AuctionAds 就送$25美元

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

星期四, 9月 20, 2007

Time to Visit United-Kingdom

United-Kingdom, the typical country with conservative and traditional life style. It also is respect for individual freedom and tolerance of the nation. The most attractive tourist spots in it's diversity of landscape feature. When you visit the United-Kingdom, you cannot miss London,the multi-cultural capital. You can find and book London Hotels before you travel there!

Another places you must visit are Edinburgh and Glasgow. Edinburgh Castle is the must visited in Edinburgh, you can find some Edinburgh Hotels here. You also can visite Museum of Scotland, Palace of Holyroodhouse, Royal Yacht Britannia.

In Glasgow, there are some places you cannot miss which are Paisley Abbey, Glasgow Cathedral, Glasgow School of Art, Hunterian Museum,The Gallery of Modern Art. Don't forget search Glasgow Hotels before you go there.

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

Ads On Time不只是點廣告賺現金

Simon今天要介紹的是一家看廣告及點廣告賺錢的網賺廣告聯盟,Simon通常不是很喜歡這類看廣告、點廣告賺錢的網賺聯盟,因為Simon沒有太多時 間在那裡看廣告、點廣告賺那只有幾美分的看廣告費,但AdsOnTime的M-Game不只是看和點廣告可以賺錢,如果你的網站Google PageRank有1以上,你可以更輕鬆的賺美金。你只要放一個AdsOnTime提供的廣告Banner在你的網站上,他們每個月都會依你的PR支付你 Banner的廣告費。我現在就來看看如何申請這個AdsOnTime的M-Game網賺!

Ads On Time不只是點廣告賺現金

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

Find Light Fixtures at Farreys

It's not easy to find a perfect and beautiful home lighting for your home decoration. I just found out a website that offers tons of varied light fixtures from indoor to out door. They offer wide range of light fixtures from different brands and styles.

If you are going to want get some classic or fashionable chandeliers , you just visit their chandeliers section. I believe you can find an ideal one for your cosy home. Not only chandeliers you can find over there, they also provide large sections of bathroom light fixtures , kitchen light fixtures , ceiling light fixtures.

Check out the website today and find some light fixtures you real like.

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

星期三, 9月 19, 2007


要靠網路賺錢、網路行銷你應該就聽過搜尋引擎優化、排前SEO(Search Engine Optimization),SEO的目地就是將你的網頁內容、架構調整到更利於搜尋引擎來檢索和找到。如果你使用WordPress來架設你的部落格,你將會有很多SEO搜尋引擎優化WordPress插件可以選用,讓你的部落格更利於搜尋引擎檢索。

以下介紹Simon目前在使用的SEO搜尋引擎優化WordPress插件:All in One SEO Pack, Google Sitemaps Generator V2,Simple Tagging。


作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

Trip To Sydney? Book a Hotels Before You Go!

Have you ever been to Sydney, Australia? The biggest city, the biggest harbor, and the oldest city of Australia!

The weather in Sydney is temperate. It's Spring in Sydney starting from September. It's a great time to visit and have a trip to this beautiful city. If you are going to visit this city, don't forget book Sydney Hotels before you go their. Sydney has beautiful beaches along the coast and a great Sydney Harbour National Park. Sydney Harbour Bridge is the place you must visit and if you like you can climb the bridge too.

If you like shopping, you cannot miss darling harbor. There are some great Darling Harbour Hotels for you to stay during your visiting.

North Sydney is another great place you must visit while you were there. Across Sydney Harbour Bridge you are arrived North Sydney. Of course, you can check North Sydney Hotelsbefore you go and book one of the hotels.

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格

星期六, 9月 15, 2007

9月15日Google AdSense新訊

官方AdSense 中文博客發表了一篇文章-Blogger 投放 AdSense 新功能,告知所有使用Blogger(blogspot)為部落格平台的AdSense網站發佈者,這個blogger新功能Simon已經8月22日的文章-Blogger現在支援在文章之間安插AdSense廣告報導過了。

現在官方AdSense 中文博客的建立也代表Adsense繁體中文觀測站可以退休了,Simon以為會減少翻譯英文官方網頁的新資訊,就由官方AdSense 中文博客自已來發表,這樣也會減少如果Simon翻譯或解釋錯誤造成讀者的誤解對大家都不是好事。但也希望官方AdSense 中文博客可以能更即時的讓所有的AdSense中文網站發佈者獲得最新的AdSense相關資訊,而不是英文官方部落格發表了許久才有中文的版的通知發佈。


更多關於電匯你可以閱讀-電匯付款Electronic Funds Transfer

原文發表於:9月15日Google AdSense新訊

作者: Simon
原文出處: Adsense繁體中文觀測站-網路賺錢部落格